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Thursday, February 23, 2012
MRC's Hadro Still Sniffing Out Gayness on CNN
Topic: NewsBusters

Matt Hadro, the Media Research Center's point man for sniffing out signs of gayness on CNN, is at it again.

In a Feb. 20 NewsBusters post, Hadro complains that Ricky Gervavis said in a CNN appearance that it's "child abuse" for "religious fundamentalists" to tell "their five-year-old children that if they turn out gay, they will burn in hell." Hadro doesn't explain why Gervais' statement is so offensive to him, but it obviously is or he wouldn't have highlighted it.

Having to work out outrage every time somebody says nice things about gays in the media must be a difficult job.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:55 AM EST

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