Topic: NewsBusters
NewsBusters' Noel Sheppard is still up to his headline cliche tricks. Here are Sheppard's overuse of his two favorite cliche -- "schools" and "smacks down" -- since the beginning of the year:
- Rich Lowry Schools Eleanor Clift: This Is a 'Flat Out Tax and Spend Big Government Liberal Budget'
- Krauthammer Schools Entire Inside Washington Panel: Payroll Tax Cut Is Crack Cocaine
- Peggy Noonan Schools Mika Brzezinski on Obama ‘Mischievously’ Misinforming Public About Contraceptives
- Joe Scarborough Schools Donny Deutsch on Media Ignoring Obama's Negative Ads in 2008
- Charles Krauthammer Schools Jeanne Cummings: Gingrich Won in SC Because of Debates Not Money
- Glenn Beck TV's Amy Holmes Schools Current's David Shuster on Bain Capital
- Will Smacks Down Vanden Heuvel: When Obama Speaks Against Crony Capitalism Will Slogan Be 'No More Solyndras'?
- Dennis Miller Smacks Down Piers Morgan for Calling Breitbart Evil
And a bonus bit of what passes for media analysis from Sheppard: "Sarah Palin Totally Rocks Conservative Conference."
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:18 AM EST