Topic: WorldNetDaily
Larry Klayman begins his Jan. 20 WorldNetDaily column by declaring, "As it stands today, it’s now as clear as the noses on our faces! The likelihood is that Barack Hussein Obama will win the next presidential election, unless a miracle happens."
This is followed by a torrent of hate, derangement and insanity that is extreme even by Klayman's reliably crazy standards, aimed at not only Obama but Bill and Hillary Clinton and even Marianne Gingrich.
Here are some lowlights:
The sad reality is that most liberals – particularly the Jewish ones – continue to lament that Ms. Hillary is not the president, having lost faith in “Hussein,” given his latent “black Muslim-like” anti-Semitism and hostility toward them and the state of Israel. While Ms. Hillary is a true criminal – remember Filegate, Travelgate and over 30 other scandals during the Clinton administration – the disgusting reality is that she would, given the so-called “rehabilitation” of the Clintons by even the Republican “leadership,” be a formidable vice-presidential pick. Peoples’ memories are short, regrettably.
In the case of the Republican leadership, it’s not their memories that are retarded; they are afraid of her. Over 80 material witnesses died – including Hillary’s last, and I mean last, boyfriend, deceased Clinton Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster (to be blunt, it now appears that Ms. Hillary prefers only women; see my book “Whores”) – during her last reign of terror, and she and hubby Bill have enough dirt on Republican leaders to make them “friends forever.”[...]
Fourth, while not likely to be Iran – which has likely bribed Hussein and Ms. Hillary to avoid military action to remove the regime in Tehran – the administration will try to create a “wag the dog” scenario, similar to what the Clintons did in the runup to the elections in 1996. A good little international crisis will serve them well in helping to convince voters that “now” is not a good time for change. In effect, Hussein will convert his “schtick” from the “change” candidate of 2008 to the “we cannot afford change” candidate in 2012.
[...]In just the last few days, the alleged sordid details of Newt Gingrich’s personal past, with a happily compliant ex-wife, Marianne, have been used by the leftist media, along with Mitt Romney’s financial dealings and clumsy and overly defensive prevarication about releasing and publicly disclosing his tax returns, to promote Obama. While its hard to take hook, line and sinker anything said by a jilted and estranged ex-wife – indeed, Marianne Gingrich’s ABC interview is revolting in its cheapness and hatefulness – and while there is likely nothing wrong with Mitt’s financial dealings ( in fact they undoubtedly will prove that he actually knows something about business and the economy) – this will be used by Hussein, the Dems and the establishment media (with the exception of Fox News) to damage Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.
So we come back to square one again. “We the People” must do everything within our lawful powers to remove Obama and his comrades from office; be that enmeshing them in an impeachable or peaceful civil disobedience that makes even Ghandi proud. Yes, we are in a revolutionary state, and as it stands today, the ballot box is not likely to remove the most disloyal, anti-American, pro-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, socialistic and destructive president in our country’s brief history. And, if Hussein is not bad enough, think of the likelihood that he will be joined by the criminal Ms. Hillary and backstage by another felon, her lovely hubby Bill, in “ruling” – and ultimately in destroying – our beloved country for another four years! God save the republic!
Isn't it time somebody sued Klayman for libel and defamation the same way this sue-happy (yet broke) attorney files lawsuits against others?