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Wednesday, December 21, 2011
WND's Farah Pretends He's Not a Hater
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah plays the Christian-victim card in his Dec. 19 WorldNetDaily column, outraged that Ron Paul would say that Michele Bachmann hates Muslims:

If it were an attempt at humor, it failed miserably. It was certainly unpresidential and unbecoming a Republican candidate for the presidency, especially one who has any thought of supporting a nominee other than himself.

Michele Bachmann doesn't hate Muslims any more than I do. She is, like me, a born-again believer in Jesus as the messiah, the redeemer, our Lord and our king.

Jesus taught His followers to pray even for their enemies, so when you call a Christian a "hater" you are characterizing him or her as someone who betrays one of the very principles of the faith. In other words, he or she is a phony, a fake Christian. It's about the meanest, nastiest thing you could ever say about someone who loves and reveres and worships Jesus.

Hey, if the shoe fits...

If Farah is not a hater, as he proclaims himself to be, why is his website filled with some of the most vile hatred of people he clearly doesn't like, including gays, Muslims and President Obama?

Farah has a flexible enough conscience that he will publish lie after lie about Obama without it apparently keeping him up at night. Is that what a Christian does? Not that we're aware of. Maybe Farah subscribes to some different breed of Christianity that pretends hatred isn't hatred and that lies are the truth.

Ask yourself: Would someone who truly "reveres and worships Jesus" behave like Farah does or operate a factually challenged "news" organization like WND? 

Posted by Terry K. at 9:14 AM EST

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