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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Mychal Massie Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Obama, without question, voiced the most unambiguous endorsement and affirmation for communism ever made by an American president. It is yet another demonstrative proof that Obama embraces communism and that his primary goal is to turn America into a communist nation. Republicans (and quite frankly, Democrats, too) who are standing by silently allowing this Erebusic megalomaniac to spew his detestable and divisive rhetoric to the impressionable and malleable minds of children, are, in effect, openly supporting a terrorist attack on minds of America's children. It is enough that public-school teachers teach such messages; the children do not need said message reinforced by the president of the United States.

Words fail to express the contempt I have for Obama as the leader of our nation. He condemns the very thing that made America great - and specific to that point, America was great before there was an Obama. It should be a punishable offense to allow him to undermine that greatness.

America is in denial to believe that he is not a communist doing everything in his power to forcibly and insidiously transform the nation into a communist state. It is misinformation for the media, political pundits and writers of opinion to report his actions in any other way. He is a manifestation of evil that threatens America in a way the KKK and al-Qaida could but hope to.



There remains another question astute individuals will ask: "Why did Obama choose Osawatomie to deliver such a transpicously Marxist speech - considering that he and his ilk do nothing that isn't meticulously calculated?" The answer to that question is another question. Could it be because Osawatomie was the Weather Underground newspaper published by Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn in the 1970s, or did it have to do with the abolitionist John Brown whose nickname was Osawatomie - unless you believe it was all just a coincidence?

Then there is the eerie similarity between the Weather Underground organization logo and the Obama 2008 campaign logo. There is also their use of "audacity" to bring about "socialism" in America, in the original newspaper written by Ayers and Dohrn. While it is unknown for a certainty who wrote Obama's "The Audacity of Hope," Ayers, himself, referred to it as more of a "political hack book," suggesting that it was a disingenuous feint to the center written by committee. I reference it because language found in "Audacity of Hope" closely parallels that found in the Ayers-Dohrn communist newspaper.

-- Mychal Massie, Dec. 12 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 4:39 PM EST

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