Topic: WorldNetDaily
A Nov. 29 WorldNetDaily article by Jerome Corsi gives publicity to an ad campaign by precious-metals trading firm Swiss America that's being touted as having been "rejected by major television networks, including the Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network, for apparently political reasons."
Corsi, being the lazy and biased reporter that he is, did not ask whether Swiss America -- whom, in a reversal of WND's longtime refusal to disclose its business interests in the subjects it writes about, he admits is "a WND advertiser" -- created these ads knowing that they would never air and with the ultimate goal of working with right-wing websites like WND to generate publicity for the company based on that refusal.
The article also exhibits a rather hilarious case of cognitive dissonance. Corsi states that, according to Swiss America CEO Craig Smith (whom Corsi did not disclose is a WND columnist), "the intent of the ads was not to make a political statement." But the headline of Corsi's article reads, "See anti-Obama ads spiked by major networks – even Fox!"
So you can make an "anti-Obama" ad that's not intended to make a political statement? Please.