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Sunday, October 16, 2011
The NewsBusters Comedy Police Have Spoken!
Topic: NewsBusters

Who knew that NewsBusters has a division that decides what is and isn't a joke?

Last month, if you'll remember, NewsBusters' Tom Blumer was in freakout mode because he decided that North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue was dead serious when she said that "I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years," going on to attack anyone who portrayed it as a joke.

Conversely, an Oct. 12 post by Ken Shepherd asserts that Michele Bachmann was totally joking when she said that "When you take the 9-9-9 plan and you turn it upside won, the devil is in the details," and that it's bizarre for MSNBC's Chris Matthews to take her seriously and think that it "may be something more sinister, or at least cynically calculated to appeal to 'strange, far right' Christian voters."

For some reason, Shepherd didn't fully quote Bachmann, only the "devil's in the details" part.

Well. Glad we cleared that up. But should an organization that puts out a painfully unfunny "comedy" webcast really be trusted to make judgments about what is and isn't a joke?


Posted by Terry K. at 7:30 PM EDT

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