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Monday, August 15, 2011
WND Columnists Are Ready To Rumble
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Columnists at WorldNetDaily have been edging closer to advocating armed insurrection against the Obama administration.

Robert Ringer complains in his Aug. 10 WND column that not enough was cut from the budget in the recent debt ceiling, attacking MSNBC's Martin Bashir (whom he misidentifies as being with CNBC) claiming that the tea party "could potentially become a violent movement." He adds:

Maybe the tea-party people do need to get violent, given that the left will continue to accuse them of doing so regardless of how civil they act. Even if they throw out of office enough RINOs who still don't get the tea-party message and bring in a whole new group of Republicans who are willing to take a chainsaw to the budget (rather than just getting excited about "changing the terms of the debate" in Washington), the violence that Messrs. [Martin] Bashir and [Stanton] Peele so worry about is sure to happen anyway.

However, violence that results from real (as opposed to imaginary) spending cuts won't come from the tea-party folks. It will come from those who are unwilling to give up the good life they've become so accustomed to as a result of the government's redistribution-of-wealth policies.

But let's see the spending cuts first. We can worry about the violence later.

Remember that Ringer once wrote a book called "Winning Through Intimidation," and you have an idea of where he's coming from.

Meanwhile, WND columnist is calling for an "Assault on Washington" next month. From an Aug. 9 press release:

Today, Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, called for a peaceful "Assault on Washington," to make it known to our nation's politicians and so called leaders that their days are over and that they should resign or face other strong peaceful action by "We the People." These "leaders" include but are not limited to President Barack Obama, his Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner, Speaker of the House John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Canter, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Klayman stated:

"All of these entrenched Washington establishment politicians sold the country out in the last weeks when they agreed to a phony deficit reduction package, which they crowed about for days as if they had accomplished a 'Godly' feat, only to see that Standard and Poors and the financial markets saw through their deceitful and traitorous charade. Now the nation is in a downward nosedive, with disastrous ramifications not only for us but the world.

"All political persuasions must now unite for the good of nation, go to Washington and, Ghandi style, use 'civil disobedience' to have them removed. They cannot be removed through impeachment, since the establishment, right, left and center, will protect itself. Short of violent revolt, which I do not advocate, this is the only means to 'disinfest' our nation of these 'leaders' who are taking the nation down the primrose path of destruction. We cannot wait until the 2012 elections, as time is short as the nation sinks further into an abyss.

"I therefore call for all concerned Americans to join the 'Assault on Washington' beginning on September 17, 2011, and throughout the week. Fittingly, this is Constitution Week! Further announcements will be made to organize this.

"I welcome the participation of all persons and groups who peacefully want to now rid our nation of the Democrat and Republican self serving political leaders who are in the process of destroying our nation, before it is too late."

Klaymanis calling for an "Assault on Washington" and he thinks it will be peaceful? Really?

Klayman expands on this in his Aug. 12 WND column:

Please contact me through my website and notify your compatriots that strong peaceful action is now necessary. Whether we succeed at removing some or all of the "leaders" who have destroyed the nation is not the only objective. We the People must make it clear to these corrupt establishment hacks that there is a price to be paid for their destructive acts and that now is the time to shape up or ship out. Civil disobedience is not the only means short of violence, the latter of which I do not advocate. We must be prepared, though, to ratchet up the pressure!

Lets keep our beloved country afloat and instead figuratively send the "traitors" to the bottom of the ocean. Now is the time that tries all men's souls. And, in the words of another Founding Father, Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me death." If our Founding Fathers would risk their lives, then we can certainly take strong action, too. The establishment has repeatedly ignored our grievances, just as the British crown did in the years leading up to 1776. And, with each new crop of "elected" so-called conservative and libertarian representatives in the current world of Washington, D.C., most of these "Tories" are co-opted by the likes of John Boehner, a phony conservative if there ever was one. This has left us with no other option. The market collapse of this week, our downgrading as a credit-worthy nation – the first time in American history – and the spreading violence in Europe more than underscores this reality.

Klayman's rhetoric is still clashing: You can't smear the opposition as "traitors" and invoke Patrick Henry and then insist that you will remain peaceful.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:42 AM EDT

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