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Thursday, June 9, 2011
Latest CNS Attack On Obama Turns Nitpicky, Lame
Topic:'s Patrick Goodenough actually devoted a June 7 article to this:

When President Obama last week invoked the regular six-month waiver to bypass U.S. law mandating that the American Embassy in Israel be moved to Jerusalem, the notice was released on Friday afternoon, a common time for the White House to “dump” material that ends up drawing little media attention.

That's the attack. Really.

Of course, Goodenough waits until the eighth paragraph to inform his readers that President Bush had the same exact policy. But:

A striking difference between Obama’s waiver notifications and those of President Bush is that in Bush’s case, he inserted into the legal jargon a sentence stating, “My Administration remains committed to beginning the process of moving our embassy to Jerusalem.” The phrase appeared in all 16 Bush waiver notifications.

Clinton did not include those or similar words in his notices, and after Obama took office, he dropped Bush’s wording. 


Obama has now issued five waiver notifications, with four of the five released on Fridays. (The exception was on June 2, 2010, a Wednesday.)

Of the 16 times Bush invoked the waiver during his two terms, four were released on Fridays (Dec. 14, 2001, Jun. 14, 2002, Jun. 13, 2003 and Jun.1, 2007). Most were typically released on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

Clinton invoked the waiver four times between June 1999 and December 2000 – twice on a Friday and once each on a Monday and Thursday.

Things were apparenly a little slow in CNS headquarters over the weekend if this is the only Obama attack they could come up with.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:26 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, June 9, 2011 2:27 AM EDT

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