Topic: WorldNetDaily
Much of Mychal Massie’s May 31 WorldNetDaily column is your typical right-wing rant that Michelle Obama is a “bitter harridan” who “has a deep contempt for white people in America.” But Massie also tries to revive one of the more discredited myths about her:
A tape that was reportedly filmed in 2004 during the Rainbow/Push Coalition Conference at Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church has mysteriously disappeared from public view. The tape allegedly showed Michelle Obama hysterically ranting about "Whiteys" and savagely attacking Bill Clinton as responsible for African genocide. The wife of Louis Farrakhan was one of the honored guests.
Massie seems not to have considered the possibility that the purported tape has “mysteriously disappeared” because it never existed in the first place. Obama’s campaign has stated that “No such tape exists. Michelle Obama has not spoken from the pulpit at Trinity and has not used that word.” Even conservative blogger Michelle Malkin noted that the purported tape was being hyped by “buffoons” whose claims about it were constantly shifting.
If Massie is going to embrace the idea of something that has shown no evidence of ever existing, it’s also likely that he’s not going to be too concerned about getting actual, provable facts straight. Indeed, Massie falsely claims that Michelle Obama’s Princeton thesis “was made unavailable until Nov. 5, 2008 (interestingly the day after the election).” In fact, Politico published it in February 2008 after receiving it from the Obama campaign -- which Massie should know since he cited the Politico article in his column.
Massie, however, appears to be too busy bashing Michelle Obama as a would-be “hybrid Leninist” and President Obama himself as having “genetic predisposition to embrace Leninism” to get his facts straight.
(Cross-posted at Media Matters.)