Topic: WorldNetDaily
Barack Hussein Obama is a dishonest, untruthful, arrogant, narcissistic human being. I say that because he has conducted himself in ways that make it impossible to conclude anything else. And his suddenly providing a birth certificate, after ignoring requests to provide same for three years, makes him even more so.
His refusal to do so, in addition to his failed policies, has undermined the confidence of the nation in his leadership, including many in the military who must answer to him. It was also a clear example of his disregard for the propriety of the office he holds. A true leader would have understood that the office he holds is bigger than him, and that he serves at the pleasure of the American people. Had he understood those truths, for the good of the nation he would have ended the debate immediately.
-- Mychal Massie, May 3 WorldNetDaily column
Yes, let the joyous news be spread, the wicked old witch at last is dead! He may not have been an actual witch, but he was the wicked old man of the east. Our Navy SEALs have killed Osama. Finally Obama can take credit for something he didn't actually do himself. Wait, he's been doing that all along … never mind, business as usual.
-- Chrissy Satterfield, May 4 WorldNetDaily column
Some of you will remember Nikita Khrushchev at the United Nations, removing his shoe and pounding the heel on the table, while shouting, "We will bury you!" It's not hard these days to suggest this simply was a bad translation and that what the communist leader was threatening, was to "Barry Soetoro" us.
-- Craige McMillan, May 5 WorldNetDaily column
It's time to get real and admit that Obama is not just another ultra-liberal president cut in the mold of Bill Clinton. It's time to stop tiptoeing. It's time to say it: We have a Marxist in the White House! Say it out loud. Say it clearly. Say it with conviction: Marxist.
The major question of our time is: Will the bad guys win and build a new America where people will be prevented from creating wealth and where freedom will be virtually nonexistent, or will the good guys prevail and rebuild an America that is based on our founding principles, but with harsh safeguards put in place to prevent collectivism, in any form, from ever again gaining a foothold?
The United States is hanging onto the edge of a financial cliff by its economic fingernails. And Obama and the progressives in Congress know that all it will take to loosen that fingernail grip is to have more and more debt piled on top of it.
Obama's objective from Day 1 has been to punish those who are prosperous and transfer their wealth to those he deems to be the "exploited" class. As he has made it clear throughout his adult life, it's all about "fairness" to him. And he is so close to pushing the U.S. over the financial edge and into the abyss that he can taste it. He's come too far, too fast, to allow anyone slow him down now.
Which is why he will be the first president in U.S. history to spend 95 percent of his time during the remaining year and a half of his first term in office campaigning for his re-election. And he's smart to do it. The fundamental transformation of America has already occurred, but Obama needs another four years to cement it permanently into place.
-- Robert Ringer, May 6 WorldNetDaily column
In the event, Obama's well-known trust and confidence in the prowess and integrity of America's military forces proves correct. In the firefight that takes place between the U.S. team and bin Laden's defenders, he is slain. The victims of 9/11 are revenged. Justice is served. And even Rush Limbaugh thanks God for Obama.
If this were the synopsis for a movie, we might buy the ticket, opt for the requisite suspension of disbelief and enjoy the thrill ride that ensued. We might even sit still for a little casting against type that stretches the artistic prowess of the well-known actor in the leading role. But when dealing with actual events and people, a counterfactual performance may be "good acting," but it is also quite possibly deceptive action. In this instance, for example, Barack Obama is not known as someone who esteems the prowess and integrity of the U.S. military.
-- Alan Keyes, May 6 WorldNetDaily column
When Barack Obama told the nation about the killing of Osama bin Laden, he said, "I, me, we, our" some 72 times. When he spoke to the troops at Fort Campbell in the aftermath of that killing, he used those words at least 68 times.
You'd think he conceived the operation and carried it out all by himself!
No, you're not like the Wizard of Oz, creating a visual image of what you think a good president looks, sounds and acts like. But, you are a man who was elevated far above his level of accomplishment, skill and abilities after an election campaign that painted a picture people wanted to believe.
Unfortunately, it was a false picture. It was a picture of a dream, and dreams don't get elected president. People are elected and now, in your case, the truth is coming out.
-- Barbara Simpson, May 9 WorldNetDaily column
I am not reluctant to assert that those occupying the White House are the most abhorrent and impertinent people ever to venture therein, and truly, we could not have more profaned The People's House if we had piled it from floor to ceiling with excrement. Perhaps I am less concerned with the potential for being labeled a racist for saying these things, but it isn't as though such action is bereft of blowback.
I have no problem with asserting that the birth certificate presented to the world by President Obama is obviously a forgery. I don't believe that it is "over the top" to appraise the SEIU as a criminal organization that ought to be outlawed, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka as a stereotypical thug, or our president's affiliation with these bodies as treason. Had Americans not allowed our legislature, judiciary and state houses to be incrementally peopled by craven elites and socialist operatives, the aforementioned unions would be outlawed, and people like Obama and Trumka would be relegated to bitching amongst one another in bars, coffee shops and penitentiaries.
Some might consider these as ad hominem attacks; I view them as mere observations.
-- Erik Rush, May 12 WorldNetDaily column