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Thursday, May 5, 2011
MRC Reacts To Couric Departure With Immaturity
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center has reacted to the departure of Katie Couric as CBS Evening News anchor with a very special fit of immaturity.

After Couric's departure was announced, the MRC issued a petulant press release quoting MRC chief Brent Bozell saying he "has launched a national search committee and is soliciting recommendations for the next CBS Evening News anchor," going on to sneer:

"CBS likes people with charisma – like Charlie Sheen, maybe? He too is looking for work. Or someone with "CBS depth" – so how about Britney Spears? Or maybe someone who is sweet, perky and – oh wait a minute, you tried that already.

"Instead of making any rash decisions, we urge you to postpone your decision and give us a chance to weigh in.  And after the committee convenes, I will return to announce our recommendation.

"Let the search begin! But don't wait too, too long. The ratings footsteps you hear are Al Gore's Current TV gaining."

By "search committee," Bozell actually meant he would post it on the MRC's Facebook page and let readers hurl insults. And that they did. An April 28 NewsBusters post provided the top 10 choices, all of whom are right-wing radio hosts or people associated with Fox News, very few of whom could plausibly be considered journalists. Listed under "entertaining suggestions" were:

  • “Casper the Ghost … nobody saw Katie anyhow.”
  • “Trump’s hairpiece would make a better journalist than Katie.”
  • “Well if you are talking about a replacement on the same level as Couric, a microwave should do just fine.”
  • “The Teleprompter of the United States of America (TOTUS). Since CBS pretty much just repeats what is read off the Teleprompter, I say make it a news anchor.”
  • “The Geico Cave Man … it’s so easy, a cave man could do it.”
  • “A pet rock … it’s twice as intelligent, more entertaining, and you don’t’ have to pay it.”
  • “It doesn’t matter cause if you want true reporting, you will be watching Fox News anyways.”

Way to privilege the hatred of your followers, MRC.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:42 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, May 5, 2011 2:31 PM EDT

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