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Sunday, May 1, 2011
Your WND Plagiarism Roundup
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has the occasional issue of stealing the work of others without credit -- when CEO Joseph Farah does it, it's bound to trickle down. Let's take a look at some WND-related plagiarism scandals that are bubbling up.

Last week, Wonkette discovered that Chuck Norris -- whose column was launched by WND and is now in syndication -- copied parts of his April 25 column word-for-word from other sources without giving them credit. Wonkette later learned that Norris plagiarizes on a surprisingly regular basis.

Now, Wonkette has deduced that Norris doesn't even actually write his columns, plagiarized or otherwise; his pastor, Todd DuBord, does. If that name sounds familiar, it's because WND has promoted his claims that religion (specificallly, Christianity) is being whitewashed out of historical sites like the Supreme Court and Jamestown, and not-so-historical sites like the Capitol visitor's center. WND has also touted how DuBord has tallied the supposed "ongoing trend" of President Obama  not directly quoting references to God in the Declaration of Independence.

Interestingly, that's not the only allegation of plagiarism that's floating around WND. The Barackryphal blog has documented how Brad O'Leary, in his factually challenged, WND-published Obama attack book "The Audacity of Deceit," lifted several paragraphs of a WND article by Aaron Klein almost word-for-word without attribution.

There's even some plagiarism going on the birther front. Barackryphal catches some irregularities in the affidavit of Kweli Shuhubia, a translator enlisted by Obama-hating Anabaptist minister Ron McRae in his notorious phone call to Obama's grandmother in Kenya. WND's Jerome Corsi has touted the affidavits by McRae and Shuhubia as evidence that the grandmother said Obama was born in Kenya. Not only is Shuhubia a psuedonym and his affidavit un-notarized, part of it appears to be cribbed from McRae's own affidavit. 

With the release of Obama's long-form birth certificate, McRae and "Shuhubia" are completely discredited. With such close association to documented plagiarizers, WND is too.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:04 PM EDT

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