Topic: WorldNetDaily
As I've said before (and will say again): We must remember that this isn't about Barack Hussein Obama. A minority of shiftless, callow malcontents have capitalized on the indolence and good nature of the American people in order to manifest their decades-long quest for power. The upshot of the processes they implemented is an administration that has appropriated authority reserved for the legislature and judiciary. This was ostensibly done to address severe economic distress, which was actually brought on by some who became principals in this administration. Activists and thugs in collusion with said administration maneuver to foment civil unrest and further economic upheaval as they clandestinely re-write our Constitution. This president's fast and furious spending has some convinced it is actually his intention to utterly decimate the U.S. economically.
-- Erik Rush, March 31 WorldNetDaily column
Mr. President, this has gone on long enough. You have refused to be candid with the American people whose trust you evidently desire and whom you are required to represent honorably. You have, in effect, erected a wall behind which you give the distinct impression of hiding. There are far too many questions you resolutely decline to answer, far too many mysteries which, by a modicum of simple disclosures, you could easily dispel in a single day. Indeed, so many riddles and puzzles have accumulated about you that, if they are not addressed, they will inevitably bring your presidency into increasing disrepute. At some point, the sphinx must speak.
-- David Solway, March 31 WorldNetDaily column
Jews and Iranians, having been very successful in the United States, both financially and socially, have much political power to exert. Jews – at least the non-leftist ones – have sought in the past to use this political power and have succeeded in large part. Through lobbying and other means, in the past they have "convinced" most American lawmakers and government officials at least not to harm Israel. But now, with a President Barack Hussein Obama, who is a latent anti-Semite Israel hater, the task has become much more difficult. Obama and his compromised secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, have recently threatened Israel by stating that they, along with the "Quartet" – which also is composed of the United Nations, Russia and the European Union – will impose a Palestinian state on the Jewish nation, if it does not accede to Palestinian demands.
As for Iranian freedom, the "mullah in chief" would rather get down on his knees and beg for understanding and forgiveness of America from the Muslims in Tehran than take a strong stand and support the Iranian freedom movement.
-- Larry Klayman, April 2 WorldNetDaily column
In the 1979 TV movie "The Birth of the Beatles," there's a scene at the end where three of the band members dump drummer Pete Best and replace him with Ringo Starr before traveling to America.
"He's not a Beatle," Lennon says of Best. "He's not one of us."
Well, after two years as president, a growing number of Americans have come to the same conclusion about Barack Hussein Obama.
He's not one of us.[...]
One thing we do know is that the president's name is Barack Hussein Obama, although we're told that we're racist or xenophobic or something terribly awful if we ever even mention his middle name.
All right, then let's start calling him Barack Who's-he? Obama.
Maybe then we'll get some answers.
-- Tom Flannery, April 7 WorldNetDaily column
Obama takes sides in the Islamic world only when the dissidents are hostile to U.S. interests or seeking to overthrow a U.S. ally, not when they support U.S. goals. This Islamist tilt is also seen in many of his appointments, particularly in the State Department and national-security staff.
We do not have to think Obama is a secret Muslim to call him out on his pro-Islamist foreign policy. Plenty of American leftists have been in that camp for decades. In fact, what seems to be happening in U.S. politics is a three-party merger of leftist ideology, one-world multiculturalism and Islamist interests. What is emerging is a strange stew of leftist sympathies for every policy tilt that is anti-capitalist and pro-Third World wealth transfers. Let's call it multicultural socialism until a better name comes along.
-- Tom Tancredo, April 9 WorldNetDaily column
Have you ever asked yourself the question: How in the world does Barack Hussein Obama get away with the things he does and the decisions he makes without even a peep from the mainstream media?
Obama has sat back and watched the price of gasoline double since he took office; he put 87,000 oil workers in the gulf out of work with an arbitrary stroke of the pen and doubled the national debt without a word of explanation. The press reported nothing more than his brilliance in these matters.
With the help of the wicked witch of San Francisco, he destroyed the best health-care system in the world while ignoring the will of the people. He sent U.S. Air Force equipment and personnel to bomb Libya without congressional approval, and the press heralded him as a great humanitarian. Never mind that half the world believed he should return his Nobel Peace Prize. Where was the critical analysis from the press so essential to a free and open democracy?[...]
Just imagine for a moment what George W. Bush would have been put through if he had made the same mistakes or unconstitutional moves. George Bush stopped playing golf when the troops were on the ground. Mr. Obama began. But I won't belabor the point. The double standard exists, and its seems we are all powerless to challenge it.
-- Craig R. Smith, April 11 WorldNetDaily column