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Sunday, March 6, 2011
Fellow Conservatives Call Out NewsBusters For False Claim
Topic: NewsBusters

It's rare for conservative websites to point out another website's errors, but that's what NewsBusters is currently on the receiving end of.

A Feb. 25 NewsReal post by David Forsmark points out that a NewsBusters post by Brent Baker falsely attacks the TV show "The Good Wife" for a character who tries to link tea party activists to racism. In fact, Forsmark, writes, it is a "rather slimy Leftist lawyer pressing the bogus race-baiting lawsuit," adding that "the whole thrust of the episode tore a new one in the idea of race-based lawsuits based purely on numbers and quotas, and gave those who bring them an, excuse the expression, a black eye."

Forsmark followed up on March 1, noting not only that Baker and NewsBusters have done nothing about the false claim, but that "The Good Wife" writer Robert King even posted on the comment thread of Baker's post explaining the reference:

The episode didn't impugn the Tea Party.  A character in the episode (in fact, an opposition lawyer and a bad guy) impugned the Tea Party, and he did it for a reason (defending a cop-killer) that was clearly unsympathetic.  In fact, the Tea Party was strongly defended by the sympathetic characters on the show.  This was in a section of the episode you didn't include (except in an edited transcript). 


And I should just add: the point of this episode was not to defend the Tea Party.  The point of the episode was to show how two people who come from the exact opposite end of the political spectrum could look past that and come to respect and love each other.

No one at the MRC responded to King, and Baker's post remains uncorrected.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:37 PM EST

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