Topic: Newsmax
A March 1 Newsmax article highlights "a new Zogby International poll" claims that "Majorities of voters in red, blue, and battleground “green” states want President Barack Obama to modify his agenda to take House Republican proposals into account." Newsmax added that "ATI-News and The O’Leary Report commissioned the poll."
If this reads like a press release, it probably is -- after all, a couple weeks ago Newsmax copied-and-pasted a Rasmussen poll press release and called it "news."
As such, Newsmax won't be telling you about the shoddy record of both Zogby and Brad O'Leary, the right-wing activist who commissioned the poll. As we detailed, Zogby has a long record of dubious polling work, O'Leary pays Zogby to ask skewed questions, and ATI-News isn't a news organization and really doesn't exist at all in any meaningful form these days -- its website is a promotional vehicle for O'Leary's activism.
Does Newsmax do any news that ventures beyond copied press releases and mining its own previous false reports?