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Friday, February 18, 2011
WND Cherry-Picks Media Matters To Fluff Joel Richardson
Topic: WorldNetDaily

You thought Aaron Klein was an expert cherry-picker of misleading information? His fellow WorldNetDaily employees are no slouch either.

A Feb. 17 WND article by Bob Unruh is a transparent attempt to cash in on Joel Richardson's appearance on Glenn Beck's TV show by promoting Richardson's WND-published book "The Islamic Antichrist." As part of his promotion of Richardson, Unruh writes:

Media Matters for America launched an immediate response, called, "Who is Joel Richardson, Beck's End Times Prophet?"

It noted that Beck's website has published writings by Richardson, and the author also appears in a new video by Beck that talks about the threat of a nuclear Iran to the U.S. and Israel.

In fact, the Media Matters article in question (which we co-authored) is a compilation of Richardson's most outrageous statements, many of which were published by WND. The article's noting of Richardson's ties to Beck are, in context, evidence of how much Beck has tied himself to Richardson's loony views about Obama and Islam.

Talk about a selective reading. Is this kind of deceitful cherry-picking something that WND writers take special training to do?

P.S. Of course, like Klein, Unruh didn't link to the Media Matters item he quotes from, lest his extreme cherry-picking be exposed.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:19 PM EST
Updated: Friday, February 18, 2011 2:56 PM EST

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