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Thursday, February 10, 2011
Why Are WND Authors And Columnists Attending CPAC?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

For all of the anti-gay and anti-Muslim hate WorldNetDaily has spewed against CPAC for allowing GOProud to take part in the conservative convention (and not allowing Farah to do a birther panel), you'd think that anyone associated with WND would be barred from participating.

Well, you'd be wrong.

A Feb. 8 WND article touts how Phyllis Schlafly -- "a columnist for WND" and co-author of a book "scheduled for release by WND Books March 15" -- "is scheduled to tell an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference Feb. 11 about the dangers of the feminist movement."

She's not the only one. The CPAC master schedule lists Jack Cashill -- also a WND columnist and author of an upcoming WND-published book -- as signing books on Feb. 12 at noon.

If WND editor Joseph Farah was a genuinely principled person, he would have kept everyone associated with WND from setting foot in the place. But when it comes right down to it, he cares more about selling books and fattening his wallet than he does staying completely true to the principles he claims to have.

UPDATE: That's not all. WND "senior staff writer" Jerome Corsi is reporting from CPAC.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:27 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, February 10, 2011 12:16 PM EST

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