Topic: Newsmax
Newsmax columnist James Walsh has long been hostile to immigrants in general and illegal immigrants in particular. He spends his Feb. 7 column attacking another writer for daring to say nice thing about immigration.
Walsh complains that the writer "does not differentiate between legal and illegal immigrants," then goes on a tirade against illegal immigrants. He asserts that the writer "fails to mention that illegal workers are taking jobs that could be filled by unemployed U.S. citizens in Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois," but he offers no evidence to back up this claim.
Walsh does conceded that " educated immigrants are a boon to the nation, economically and socially, but most enter the United States legally and with the assistance of their employers." Unlike those filthy, violent illegal immigrants:
Many illegal aliens tend to be undereducated or uneducated, and as a result end up doing menial work for which they are paid off the books in cash.
Many are slow to learn English, and a number are criminal gang members or just plain criminals. Taxpayers cover the considerable costs of translators for non-English speaking illegal aliens who end up in the federal and state court systems.
Illegal aliens cost communities where they live significant amounts of public funds for health, education, and welfare entitlements. Immigrant advocates instruct illegal aliens that they qualify for these entitlements right along with U.S. citizens. Perhaps worst of all, immigrant advocates encourage illegal aliens to commit fraud by voting in U.S. elections.
Why does Newsmax allow someone with such unbridled hatred for illegal immigrants to write about how much he hates them?