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Monday, December 13, 2010
Obama (And Tolkien) Derangement Syndrome
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The forces of evil never take a break. Even in modern times it was the 20th century that gave humanity more genocidal megalomaniacs than the previous 19 centuries put together – Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Hitler, Franco, Mao, Amin, Pol Pot, Hussein, Ayatollah Khomeini and legions of anonymous abortion doctors.

Recalling the perpetual death spiral between good and evil since antiquity, Gandalf warned his protégé, Frodo the ring-bearer: "Always after a defeat and a respite, the Shadow takes another shape and grows again."

In "Lord of the Rings," good and evil was clearly defined, but presently not only is good and evil obscured, it is Kafkaesque – a surreal distortion of God, truth, the Bible, the Constitution and the rule of law.

Politically speaking, since Dr. Wiker writes, "Hobbits are true conservatives, the Anti-Federalists of Middle Earth," then to defeat Obama's fascist, one-world government agenda against America, let all Americans of good will put on Samwise's mantle of undying loyalty and stubborn fight to defend the Constitution and embrace Sam's rallying cry to Frodo as our daily bread.

Let every American work in unison to cast down every unconstitutional policy the fascist Age of Obama has resurrected and schemed and, like Frodo, cast down the omnipotent, evil Ring of Sauron (Darwinism, progressivism, socialism, liberalism) into its rightful place … the ash heap of history.

-- Ellis Washington, Dec. 11 WorldNetDaily column

(Washington has attempted "Lord of the Rings" analogies before.)

Posted by Terry K. at 11:41 AM EST

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