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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
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Topic: WorldNetDaily

In her Dec. 6 WorldNetDaily column, Barbara Simpson writes of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange:

This isn't a game, and Assange isn't God, deciding what laws to obey and those he won't. He has no conscience and has no compunction about receiving classified documents and posting them online. In fact, he considers himself above the law – any law, from anywhere.

So far, his audacity is working, but what Assange does is a massive, security breach, the consequences of which he ignores.

It's treason, pure and simple, the betrayal of one's country to an enemy. He's betrayed the United States, his country, our allies and the security of the free world, aiding our enemies, made worse because we're at war.

Charge him, try him, find him guilty and stand him against the wall – without a blindfold. Short and sweet.

We've got to show some guts and stop being intimidated my international slime and homegrown cowardice and sleaze.

The world will be a better place, and justice will be done.

The traditional punishment is death by firing squad.

If they need someone to pull the trigger, I'm available.

Just one little problem with Simpson's rush to execution: Assange is not an American citizen and, therefore, cannot be charged with treason.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:48 AM EST

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