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Wednesday, September 1, 2010
D.J. Dolce 'Joke': Coulter Paid '30 Pieces of Silver' to Speak at GOProud
Topic: WorldNetDaily

D.J. Dolce continues her painfully unfunny "comedy" stylings in her latest WorldNetDaily video:

Ann coulter has been axed from speaking atWorldNetDaily's Taking Back America conference due to a prior agreement to speak at a gay Republican conference called -- get this -- HomoCon. Homocon is not to be confused with ComicCon, although women find the terms interchangable.

Even more surprising was Coulter's speaking fee: 30 pieces of silver.

OK, that was too harsh. She was paid 10 gold coins from

Now we know why Molotov Mitchell married Dolce -- she hates gays even more than he does.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:14 AM EDT

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