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Friday, August 13, 2010
WND Rewards Liar With Puff Piece
Topic: WorldNetDaily

How does WorldNetDaily reward a writer who forwarded an attack on President Obama and Elena Kagan that was so blatantly and egregiously false that WND was forced to scrub the hell out of it? Why, give him a forum to promote his book.

An Aug. 12 WND article touts how "Hundreds of people hungering for Bible truth turned out" for an event in Oklahoma in which WND executive news editor Joe Kovacs read from his book "Shocked by the Bible":

"Wow, look at all these people. I'm shocked!" declared Joe Kovacs, the executive news editor of WND and author of the No. 1 best-selling book "Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told." "I didn't know so many people had an interest in Bible truth these days."

Ifyou're interested in actual truth, however, Kovacs is not your guy. As we detailed, Kovacs wrote that Kagan, in her position as Obama's solicitor general, came up "at least nine times on dockets involving Obama eligibility issues." In fact, none of the cases Kovacs cited involved "eligibility." But Kovacs did his job in smearing Obama and Kagan, truth be damned.

So Kovacs spreads lies, and WND not only doesn't punish him, it rewards him with a puff piece. That's the moral bankruptcy of WND in a nutshell.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:22 PM EDT

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