Topic: Accuracy in Media
Cliff Kincaid hates gays so much, he's willing to take on Rush Limbaugh over it. From his Aug. 20 Accuracy in Media column:
James Burnham’s 1964 classic, The Suicide of the West, was on my mind when I heard that Rush Limbaugh had homosexual entertainer Elton John perform at his wedding. Limbaugh is a great conservative entertainer, but he could have picked better entertainment at his own wedding. Such a decision carries great weight. It says that Limbaugh himself is giving up on fighting the social and cultural war and that he wants to “make peace” with the Hollywood left that has been so determined to vilify and destroy him.
The $1 million Limbaugh reportedly paid to hire Elton John would have been better spent on social conservative groups trying to preserve traditional values, including marriage between a man and a woman. God knows that groups like Peter LaBarbera’s Americans for Truth could use the assistance. Dozens of Marxist-led mean and angry “gay rights” demonstrators showed up in Chicago to protest LaBarbera’s premier Truth Academy. They fear the truth about the destructive aspects of their so-called lifestyle.
Even NewsBusters takes a hit for not hating gays as much as Kincaid does:
Meanwhile, in a post on the Bradley Manning homosexual military scandal, the usually reliable conservative-oriented Newsbusters site asks, “Does the possibility that [Bradley] Manning’s opinions on DADT [Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell] motivated him to leak the documents in question have any bearing on the validity of the policy itself? Of course not. No one is suggesting that Manning’s homosexuality in itself motivated him to allegedly leak these documents, and therefore that homosexuals should be banned from the military.”
There is every reason to believe that his homosexuality motivated the release of the documents. What’s more, the leaking of this classified information is an obvious reason why the current homosexual exclusion policy should not only be maintained but strengthened.
The rest of Kincaid's rant takes a predictable gay-bashing descent into using the Manning case as an excuse to keep don't ask, don't tell. Kincaid sums up:
It is not politically correct to say but this is the danger you face when a homosexual struggling with his sexual identity is entrusted with national security information. Admitting open homosexuals into the Armed Forces who continue to struggle with their sexual identity will only exacerbate this national security problem.
Admitting open and active homosexuals to the military will not solve the problem. It makes the problem worse. What these people need is real “compassionate conservatism,” of the kind that promises release from their inner torment and psychological instability. It means freeing them from a destructive lifestyle that has driven Bradley Manning to the point of suicide.
So what frees Kincaid from the inner torment that manifests itself in his rabid homophobia?