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Thursday, June 10, 2010
NewsBusters Falsely Claims Olbermann Didn't Criticize Thomas
Topic: NewsBusters

A June 10 NewsBusters post by Brad Wilmouth carries the headline "Olbermann Slams Anti-Helen Thomas Rabbi in ‘Worst Person’ Segment, But Not Helen Thomas." But in his post, Wilmouth quotes Olbermann, um, slamming Thomas' remarks on Israel and Jews: "It was sad. It was narrow minded. I can't defend it."

That lie aside, Wilmouth seems more upset that Olbermann criticized the person who posted the Thomas video, Rabbi David Nessenoff, for a video in which he engages in Mexican stereotypes. Such mocking stereotypes are apparently hunky-dory with Wilmouth, for he offers no word of criticism of them.

Then again, neither Wilmouth nor his MRC co-workers saw anything wrong with Pat Buchanan's Jew-counting.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:46 AM EDT

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