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Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Porter Curiously Denies She's A Dominionist
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Janet Porter uses her May 11 WorldNetDaily column to respond to critics of her (sparsely attended) May Day prayer rally, curiously claiming that she's not a Dominionist:

Then there's the accusation that some who were there believe in "dominion theology," which, I'm told, wants a theocracy to rule the world.  Not what I believe; not even close.  We who attended May Day just want to obey God in every area of influence and use our freedom to spread the Gospel.  If you do an Internet search on D. James Kennedy, Jerry Falwell, or Charles Stanley with Dominionism, you'll see the same type of accusations were repeatedly made against them, too.

But as Right Wing Watch points out: "If Porter doesn't want to be portrayed as a dominionist, maybe she should stop organizing events based entirely upon dominion theology and stop issuing dominionist prayers seeking control over the media and declaring that her goal is "to take dominion in every area" and 'occupy until Jesus comes.'"

Porter also claimed, "Rest assured May Day was all about repentance." But did Porter repent of her sins of hatred and bearing false witness against Barack Obama? Not that we heard.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:50 PM EDT

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