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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
All Hail Chairman David!
Topic: Horowitz

NewsReal may appear to be just another forum, but it's really just another tool in the aggrandization of David Horowitz.

First, there's the actual name of the blog in the nameplate: David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog. Since it's run by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, that's perhaps understandable. 

Then there's the Litle Red Book-esque "From the Writings of David Horowitz" category at NewsReal, which hands out daily nuggets of Mao-like wisdom from Horowitz, complete with the ever-more-Lenin-like visage of Fearless Leader. These readings from the master are punctuated with actual blog posts from the man himself.

Things occasionally fall into the surreal. Blog posts like "David Horowitz Reveals What’s on His Kindle" and  "David Horowitz’s Ultra-Popular 'Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me' Series" sound like they're from a wonky right-wing version of Tiger Beat instead of a supposedly serious blog about serious issues.

On top of all this, NewsReal's managing editor, David Swindle, says he's writing a book about "the ideas of David Horowitz." Gee, you think that's how he got the job?

It almost seems as if the Horowitz organizaiton is more a cult of personality than a political machine.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:58 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 9:58 AM EDT

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