Topic: WorldNetDaily
I've been reluctant to climb aboard the "Obama wants to destroy America" conspiracy train. I'm no longer reticent to do so. As Newt Gingrich recently observed, we know this administration to be "far and away the most radical administration in American history."
Although he may not seek to destroy America outright, we can only conclude – based upon his grossly irrational and irresponsible governance – that Obama remains determined to destroy America both as we know her and as our Founding Fathers intended her.[...]
But Thelma and Louise never intended to turn the car around.
Neither does Barack Obama.
There's no other way to say it. As goes the war to preserve liberty, national sovereignty, national solvency and American exceptionalism: Intelligence suggests we have an enemy within.
-- Matt Barber, April 15 WorldNetDaily column
As many tea-party activists and other concerned citizens nationwide have asserted (and with which I tend to agree), their activism is not about President Barack Obama. The socialization of America has been in process for a long time; right now, he's just the point man. Yes, he has enjoyed a distinct advantage with the establishment press being his propaganda arm since 2007; yes, we were sold "Chucky" in an "Elmo" suit; and yes, the latitude given Obama has been is due in part to his race – but all that would be better addressed in another column, or perhaps a book. …
Erik Rush, April 15 WorldNetDaily column
President Obama only backs policies that hurt the United States and her allies. He seeks self-flagellation of America before the world; absolution for American imperialism can only be found in purposeful self-subversion. Obama feels that America and its allies must be whittled down to its proper size as quickly as possible.
It would be comforting to say that President Obama is a victim of his own naivete and ego. There's no doubt he loves hearing from human refuse like Medvedev that he is "a thinker," unlike "other people" (read: George W. Bush). But there's more to it than simple ego appeasement. There is a disturbing anti-Americanism that animates Obama and his policies. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright famously said, "God damn America." God doesn't have to. Obama's doing it for him.
-- Ben Shapiro, April 14 column, published at WorldNetDaily and