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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
WND Ratchets Up War on Glenn Beck
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Earlier this month, WorldNetDaily began lashing out at Glenn Beck for ridiculing birthers (like WND editor Joseph Farah). WND has been stepping up the battle in recent days.

Farah penned yet another column on the issue on Feb. 17, complaining that "From Glenn Beck to Andrew Breitbart to Conservative Political Action Conference organizers to social climbing bloggers with little actual audience, some of the right have becoming increasingly hostile to continued calls for Barack Obama to release documents that would prove his eligibility and provide the transparency he promised with regard to his travels, health history, schooling, etc." Farah again lies that all he cares about is "pursuit of the truth without fear or favor."

This was followed by a more direct Feb. 22 attack on Beck, which carried the headline, "Meet kinder, gentler Glenn Beck: New 'global warming' believer?" It summarizes a USA Weekend interview with Beck in which he said that he supports the idea of global warming and "thinks it could be caused partly by man's activity." Perhaps even more unforgivable in WND's eyes, "Beck's personal publicist, Matt Hiltzik, is a Democratic power player who helped get Hillary Rodham Clinton elected to the U.S. Senate."

WND seems to be unaware that this link to Hiltzik was revealed months ago -- last October, by the Washington Post. We don't recall WND mentioning it then. Of course, Beck hadn't yet violated WND's sensibilities by criticizing birthers.

As WND alienates its pool of supporters one by one -- not to mention any journalistic credibility it has left -- with its Javert-like pursuit of Joseph Farah's new Vince Foster, you have to wonder how this can be a sustainable business model. Farah will have to hoodwink folks into buying a lot of birther trinkets in order to make this venture worthwhile.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:22 AM EST

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