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Monday, February 22, 2010
Ellis Washington Gets It Wrong -- Again
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Ellis Washington has not been one to let the facts get in the way of a good rant, and he keeps that up in his Feb. 20 WorldNetDaily column, in which he attempts to portray evolution as equally unproven as global warming:

I cannot help to see this manmade climate change scam being our modern-day equivalent to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution 150 years ago, which I consider scientific mythology or fairy tales for adults.


One hundred fifty years ago, Charles Darwin, an unremarkable British naturalist, was able to beguile the entire education, political, scientific and intellectual world with his sophistic and unscientific theories of the origin of man as chronicled in his two famous books: "The Origin of Species" (1859) and "The Descent of Man" (1871). As it was then so it is now; Darwin and his zealous legions of followers had not one shred of verifiable evidence for their theory. Truth and logic are not required to join the cult of Darwin or global warming; complete religious devotion is.


One man, Charles Darwin, 150 years ago through his diabolical theory of evolution has done what the Goths, the Visigoths, the Saxons, the Vandals and Attila the Hun could not do – destroy Western civilization by marginalizing objective truth. Before Darwin, Western civilization was based on logic, symmetry and the Judeo-Christian traditions of intellectual thought.

Darwinism is a radical, evolutionary worldview that systematically denigrated Christianity, the Constitution and the academy and has tried to destroy objective truth. Now most politicians, judges, academics, theologians and intellectuals believe that truth is relative; morality is in the eye of the beholder. Every man does what is right in his own eyes.

Show me a monopoly and I'll show you a tyranny.

Actually, there's plenty of evidence of the existence of evolution.

And it wouldn't be Ellis Washington if he wasn't lying about global warming as well. He claims that the stolen emails from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit -- which he baselessly attributes to "some Chinese hackers" -- prove that "all of their data on climate change was counterfeit and contrived; but more importantly, that the entire theory of manmade global warming was a willful scientific fraud from its beginning."

In fact, the emails prove no such thing.

Washington claims that former CRU chief Phil Jones "conceded the existence of the Medieval Warming Period, which occurred from approximately A.D. 800 to 1300" without offering evidence that he denied its existence. Washington alsofalsely claims that "Jones was forced to admit" that warming cycles "from 1975 to 1998" had "nothing to do with man causation." In fact, he said the opposite -- that "we can't explain the warming from the 1950s by solar and volcanic forcing," and that it would not be reasonable to conclude that "recent warming is not predominately manmade."

Posted by Terry K. at 8:44 AM EST

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