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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
NewsBusters Nuttiness Watch
Topic: NewsBusters

NewsBusters has been on a roll of stupidity lately.

A Feb. 2 post by Tim Graham takes Arianna Huffington to task for taking Fox News to task for Glenn Beck's inflammatory rhetoric. In response, Graham cites his little report on inflammatory rhetoric at HuffPo, which, as we've detailed, could come with only 19 out of the thousands upon thousands of blog posts there as examples.

Also, an unpaid blogger is different from a TV host with a multi-million-dollar contract, as Eric Boehlert put it: "Newsbusters thinks Arianna Huffington personally approves every one of the thousands of blog posts that get published on her site? Somebody please explain blogging to Tim Graham."

(On a related subject, Jeff Poor falsely portrays HuffPo blogger Bill Mann, author of one unflattering statement about Fox News, as "Huffington Post's TV-Radio critic." In fact, he writes for another website, and his HuffPo blogging, like that of nearly every other blogger at HuffPo (including us), is unpaid. 

Meanwhile, Jamison Foser points out Brent Baker's lack of comprehension in his Feb. 1 portrayal of NBC's and ABC's reporting CBO budget projections as the "presumptions" of NBC and ABC. As Foser states, Baker demonstrates an "inability to understand the difference between assuming something and reporting someone else's assumptions."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:11 AM EST

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