Topic: WorldNetDaily
In a Jan. 19 article, WorldNetDaily serves up some more leading poll questions from its ethically challenged pollster, Fritz Wenzel:
- 4. President Obama has still not produced a long-form birth certificate that proves he was born inside the United States. Knowing this, do you consider him to be a legitimate President?
- 5. Thinking about his performance in office and his agenda for the country, and knowing about the on-going questions about his birth certificate, are you more or less likely to believe in his legitimacy as President?
- 11. One year into the presidency of Barack Obama, which best describes what you believe is his guiding intention? The permissible answers: "Turn US Socialist," "Make Govt. compete w/private biz," "Keep things as they are."
Of course, the birth certificate released by the Obama campaign -- which even WND editor Joseph Farah concedes is authentic -- more than proves Obama was "born inside the United States," but WND has staked everything on obscuring that fact (as well as bedding down with Orly Taitz).
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:06 AM EST