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Monday, January 18, 2010
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: Newsmax

So, one year to the day of the arrival in D.C. of “The One,” Obama effectively will become a lame duck president. His Obama Revolution will be finished. The Democratic stranglehold on D.C. power will be shattered. The November midterm elections will be a Democratic blood bath.

Obama’s first year has been a case study in misreading why an election was won (the economy, stupid!), followed by another misreading of the public mood (jobs, jobs, jobs!) and then using the “never waste a good crisis” thinking to try to install Far Left, European-style socialism through the White House political and economic agenda.


America is bouncing from one incompetent president — G.W. Bush — to another — Barack H. Obama.

How long can a great nation survive with the two parties producing such dunderheads?

We better get our act in gear in 2012. Or else.

-- John LeBoutillier, Jan. 18 Newsmax column

Posted by Terry K. at 11:04 AM EST

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