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Thursday, September 24, 2009
MRC Gives Fox A Pass on Orchestrating News
Topic: NewsBusters

You'd think that video footage of a network news producer orchestrating crowd reaction off-camera for a news report would get the folks at a media watchog like the Media Research Center all hot and bothered.

But since the network in question is Fox News, the MRC is willing to overlook it.

A Sept. 21 NewsBusters post by MRC researcher Matthew Balan notes that CNN's Rick Sanchez used the footage of the Fox News producer "raise[d] her arms to get the crowd to hoop and howl on command" for coverage of the anti-Obama 9/12 rally -- but Balan said no more about it, choosing instead to attack Sanchez because he "didn’t raise any objections when former CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen lashed out on-camera at Tea Party protesters at an April 15 rally in Chicago."

The MRC routinely gives Fox News a pass for behavior it would criticize had it taken place on another network.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:02 AM EDT

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