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Thursday, September 3, 2009
WND, NewsBusters Freak Out Over Obama Address to Schoolchildren
Topic: NewsBusters

You wouldn't think a speech by President Obama would be such a big deal. But he's making one to schoolchildren, and that has sent the ConWeb into a frenzy:

Parents across the country are rebelling against plans by President Barack Obama to speak directly to their children through the classrooms of the nation's public schools without their presence, participation and approval.

The plans announced by Obama also have been cited as raising the specter of the Civilian National Security Force, to which he's referred several times since his election campaign began, but never fully explained.

"He's recruiting his civilian army. His 'Hitler' youth brigade," wrote one participant in a forum at Free Republic.

-- Bob Unruh, Sept. 1 WorldNetDaily article (oh, and Obama has in fact explained his "Civilian National Security Force"; Unruh and WND have failed to report it to their readers)

As many parents are focused on back to school clothes and supplies, the royal Czar Czar prepares to circumvent parental authority and speak directly to our children in one week. What will he command?


This much is certain, the entire cadre of Ombud children will be having a parent sanctioned skip day September 8th, but that's not enough. The public and the media need to demand that a transcript of this speech be made available before the weekend. Yes you can.

"Mithridate Ombud," Sept. 2 NewsBusters post

Great news.  Our leader will be addressing all schoolchildren on September 8th.  And the Department of Education has helpfully prepared a menu of activities for the day.  As you'll note above, 7-12th graders are to view quotations from Pres. Obama, discuss them, and strive to understand what "the president believes is important" for students to be successful in school.

Wonderful.  But why stop with students?  Shouldn't Americans of all ages have the benefit of the President's wisdom?  And why limit it to one day, and only to the topic of education?


Will our MSM report on the interesting parallel between our president's plan for our children and the approach of another Great Leader from the past?

-- Mark Finkelstein, Sept. 2 NewsBusters post

They're not the only ones. In fact, Obama will be speaking to schoolchildren about the importance of education and persisting and succeeding in school. Unruh and "Ombud" do not explain why that's so offensive to them, nor do they explain why it was apparently OK for President George H.W. Bush to issue a similar address in 1991, or for President George W. Bush to post a "teacher's guide" on the White House website.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:19 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, September 4, 2009 1:27 AM EDT

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