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Sunday, August 16, 2009
WND's Washington Gets A Tad Misogynistic
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In the midst of cribbing from the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy in trying to "draw an analogy or two about lessons we might learn as Americans as we struggle through our own battles with forces of evil: Sauron, Saruman and the ever-present Orcs in the Age of Obama," Ellis Washington drops this hateful little bomb in his Aug. 15 WorldNetDaily column:

First allow me to state emphatically that all lovers of literature should thank God that Tolkien wrote this great epic, "Lord of the Rings," in the 1950s before the miserable, anti-intellectual hags of the feminist movement got their claws into this literary genius. Eowyn isn't some myopic, shrill, angry caricature of a woman like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Michelle Obama, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Rep. Maxine Waters, or Bella Abzug.

Shockingly, for all of the deranged insults Washington has reguularly hurled President Obama's way, he manages to restrain himself from specifically likening Obama to a Tolkien creature.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:06 AM EDT

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