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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
WND Promotes Vicious Obama-Antichrist Link
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily wants the world to know how vicious it is by linking President Obama to the Antichrist.

On Aug. 10, it sent out an message to its mailing list touting Joel Richardson's hateful Aug. 5 WND column likening Obama to the Antichrist. While WND includes Richardson's disingenuous disclaimer that "Richardson is quick to point out he does not believe Obama is that future global leader," it makes sure to add that Obama's "messianic appeal and some of his policies do foreshadow the dreaded 'man of sin,' says Richardson."As we noted, Richardson is engaging in hateful deception.

The message also touts Richardson's new book, "The Islamic Antichrist," which claims that the Islamic messianic figure the Mahdi is the Antichrist. WND unironically states that "Richardson's book stands in stark contrast to most other popular prophecy books of the last 40 years," but somehow fails to note that it's likely because Richardson is wrong.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:46 PM EDT

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