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Thursday, August 6, 2009
Obama Hate Central: WND Still Pushing Obama-As-Antichrist Meme
Topic: WorldNetDaily

How much does WorldNetDaily hate Barack Obama? It has published another article literally portraying him as the Antichrist.

An Aug. 5 WND column by Joel Richardson carries the headline, "What Obama and the Antichrist have in common." Richardson tries to be too clever by half, asserting that "Before I continue, I want to make it very clear that in no way do I believe that President Obama is the Antichrist" -- then outlining all the ways that Obama is like the Antichrist.

Richardson works in the theme of his new WND-published book "The Islamic Antichrist," in which he claims that, yes, the Antichrist is Islamic -- specifically, the messianic figure known as the Mahdi. As blogger Richard Bartholomew has detailed, this view relies on "voodoo scholarship" by reading contemporary events into the Bible's Book of Daniel when "it was written with a contemporary audience [the 2nd Century BCE] in mind; it does not contain secrets that make sense only thousands of years later."

Richardson then ties it all together by making the long-discredited suggestion that Obama is a secret Muslim:

We have just watched as a man lacking virtually any proper qualifications rose to become the most powerful man in the world, almost solely on his charisma and his shallow appeal to class envy. Today, throughout the Islamic world, the masses are yearning for and longing for a populist messiah figure known as the Mahdi who, according to their very own prophecies, will employ precisely the same methods as Obama. 

So, yeah, despite what Richardson deceptively claims, he is portraying Obama as the Antichrist. What a sleaze.

UPDATE: Last August, WND columnist Hal Lindsey claimed that Obama was preparing the world for the Antichrist.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:08 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, August 6, 2009 9:25 AM EDT

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