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Monday, April 27, 2009
Matt Barber: The Foul Face of Anti-Gay Activism

We already know Matt Barber is a hateful anti-gay activist who makes a lucrative living latching onto right-wing nonprofit groups that will pay him to be a hateful anti-gay activist. Now he feels the need to be more offensive than Perez Hilton -- no mean feat.

Annoyed that Hilton called Carrie Prejean, the Miss California who answered that she opposed gay marriage during the Miss USA pageant for which Hilton was a judge, a "dumb b----" (to use Barber's own self-censorship), Barber lashed outin an April 24 column published at Barber called Hilton a "boylover," a "creepy valley girl wannabe with a five o’clock shadow," a "lispy-wispy lil’ cupcake," and "Hollywood’s frothy-potty-mouthed little drama queen."

And he's complaining about Hilton being hateful? Look in the mirror, dude.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:07 AM EDT

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