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Monday, April 20, 2009
WND's Anonymous Attacks on Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah once defended his reporter Aaron Klein by asserting, "Aaron Klein doesn't use anonymous sources when he quotes senior terrorist leaders in Gaza and many of the most prominent Islamists in the world. He names names." That, of course, is a complete and utter lie -- Klein has granted anonymity to terrorist leaders.

Klein does so again in an April 17 article, in which he claims that President Obama will move to create a Palestinian state "more quickly than anybody could imagine," cting only an anonymous "chief PA negotiator" as his lone source. At no point does Klein explain why he has granted anonymity to the negotiator, whom, by definition as a Palestinian, is a terrorist in Klein's eyes.

WND wasn't done with hurling anonymous smears at Obama. An April 18 article promoting Farah's G2 Bulletin, "the premium, online intelligence newsletter edited by the founder of WND," asserts that Obama employed "restrictive rules of engagement that actually hampered the rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips and extended the drama at sea for days." The article cites anonymous yet purportedly "reliable military sources close to the scene" to back up the claim, which is otherwise unsubstantiated.

It appears that Farah's lies and hypocrisy about granting anonymity extend to his own work -- after all, he once denounced anonymous sources as a convenient basis for "quotes made up out of whole cloth to help make the story read better." There's no reason not to apply that same sentiment to Farah's own anonymous sources.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:23 AM EDT

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