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Sunday, April 12, 2009
Where Are They Now?
Topic: Newsmax

The last time we heard of Lee Bellinger, it was 1992 and he was buying New Dimensions magazine from Roy Masters and hiring Joseph Farah as its editor. He's resurfaced as a promoter of guides to help people survive the coming social chaos in America.

In an April 8 email sent to the Newsmax mailing list, Bellinger has declared himself "Publisher of Independent Living" -- described as a "monthly financial, health, and taxation intelligence advisory" -- and he has "some disturbing developments" to share with us:

Bellinger goes on to assert that "many Washington insiders (including officials directly involved in homeland security) are personally making emergency preparations for social chaos. In addition, outgoing Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson told Sen. James Inhofe and Rep. Brad Sherman that so much financial mayhem lies ahead U.S. troops may have to impose martial law to deal with social unrest." he continues:

Not to be politically-incorrect, but the simple truth is millions of Americans who've never known anything but prosperity and easy-money have a militant expectation that society "owes" them something. And with so many families on the margins of survival already, the speed of the downward unemployment spiral is downright ominous (and unprecedented).

Worse, there are few signs the taxpayer dependents of today have any of the self-reliance skills that saw the hardy Great Depression generation through the tough times.

In fact, there is mounting evidence tens of millions of low-income government dependents and many others infected with a sense of entitlement are prone to crime and violence -- especially when it dawns on the masses there are not enough jobs and government promises of "relief" are as empty as the U.S. Treasury is bankrupt.

Peppered throughout the report are subheads such as:

  • When the Police Abandon Law-Abiding Neighborhoods to Mobs
  • Government Deliberately Keeps Public in the Dark About Multiple Threats to Public Order
  • Outgoing Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chilling Prediction
  • Two Categories of People: The Prepared vs. the Clueless 

Bellinger, needless to say, has the remedy: the "Social Chaos Survival Guide," which covers the following subjects, according to the email's subheads:

10 Key Warning Signs of Impending Chaos 

No Silver coins for Barter? Here's 25 Easily-Acquired Items You Can Hoard NOW

Eight Simple Rules that Let You Buck the System Without Attracting Attention

100 Steps to Greater Self-Reliance While Staying in the Mainstream of Society 

10 Simple But Key Steps to Total News Independence 

10 Steps You Must Take NOW to Avoid Detention Under Martial Law

Bellinger even provides a bullet list of even more subjects from his book, including:

  • Protecting your assets against the probability of social chaos. 24 essential steps you should take IMMEDIATELY to properly hedge your bets for a worst-case scenario.
  • TO FLEE OR NOT TO FLEE -- The pros and cons of hunkering down or evacuating an area that is under biological terror attack.
  • Inside tips on how emergency planners compile lists of "trouble-makers" to be scheduled for detention in the event civil liberties are ever suspended.
  • 10 facts about emergency property confiscation directives that you MUST know.
  • Secret government plans to issue "scrip" that will make your "cash-stash" worthless overnight. Know the warning signs to avoid getting ripped off by Uncle Sam.

Bellinger is also offering "THREE GREAT BONUS REPORTS" with purchase:

Free Bonus Report #1:
Smart Hoarding 101: Do It Right and Save Big Money By Stocking Up on Food, Water, and Yes, Fuel.

Free Bonus Report #2:
Life-Saving Basics: Make Your Own Antibiotic Alternatives At Home.

Free Bonus Report #3:
20 Key Insights Smart Investors Use for Successful Crisis Investing and Financial Self-Defense.

After all the hard sell, we find out how you get all this wonderful, informative stuff: by purchasing an $99 two-year subscription to his Independent Living newsletter.

Well, now we know how Bellinger plans to do his own independent living. How successful is his empire (which also includes another right-leaning newsletter, American Sentinel)? It apparently owns a 40-foot yacht.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:43 AM EDT

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