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Monday, April 6, 2009
Is Newsmax Mouthing PAC's Talking Points?
Topic: Newsmax

We've noted that Newsmax has failed to tell its readers about the role of the National Republican Trust PAC in New York's special congresdsional election between Republican Jim Tedisco and Democrat Scott Murphy, even as Newsmax published a column by PAC director Scott Wheeler touting Tedisco without disclosing Wheeler's position or election largesse -- the PAC has spent well over $800,000 in support of Tedisco.

The election is over but ended in a virtual tie, which means the National Republican Trust PAC is spending more money sending emails to Newsmax readers -- which seem to reflect Newsmax's own reporting.

In an April 1 email from the PAC, Wheeler stated: "The media spin on this result has been amazing. But here’s the truth -- it’s a stunning blow to President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the Democrats."

That dovetailed nicely with the assertion made in Newsmax's March 31 article by David Patten: "The election, though, seemed to produce one clear loser: President Barack Obama." Jim Meyers followed up in an April 1 article uncritically quoting Dick Morris -- who has a relationship with the PAC that Newsmax has yet to mention to its readers -- asserting that the election's result means that Obama is "in trouble." (As we've noted, Meyers failed to mention that a month before the election, Tedisco held a double-digit lead in polls that Murphy was able to erase by election day.)

Wheeler, meanwhile, kept up the spin in an April 4 email sent to Newsmax readers:

Can you believe that Barack Obama suffered a terrible setback this week -- but the media practically ignored it?

It's no surprise. The major media simply are not revealing the truth to the American people about this man.

But we will.


But this race was not about New York.

It was about Barack Obama.

About his radical stimulus plan.

About his radical tax plan.

About his radical healthcare socialization plan.

About his radical plan to back Hamas-controlled Gaza with almost $1 billion in U.S. taxpayer aid.

About his radical plan to appease Iran, one of the world's most dangerous regimes.

And New York voters -- among the most liberal in the country -- who backed him just five months ago, voted against him -- and big time!

Needless to say, in none of his emails does Wheeler mention the fact that Tedisco blew a double-digit lead -- possibly because of the ads his PAC ran on Tedisco's behaif.

So, is the PAC stealing talking points from Newsmax, or is promoting the PAC's views in "news" articles part of Newsmax's advertising fee?

Posted by Terry K. at 8:34 AM EDT

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