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Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Apt Pupil Returns: WND Lets Von Campe Hurl More Nazi Smears at Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily

When you pride yourself on hurling Nazi smears at Barack Obama, as WorldNetDaily appears to do, it makes sense to make use of actual Nazis in the process -- after all, they learned at the feet of the master how to smear political opponents.

Thus, Hilmar von Campe, the self-proclaimed former Hitler Youth who has made a new career out of smearing Obama, puts his childhood training to use once again in his latest WND masterpice, an April 4 column:

Lenin and Hitler used the national and economic disasters in their countries to ride to political victory. Conquest in a time of disaster! I believe the United States is in the midst of a similar development, spearheaded by Barrack Hussein Obama.


Watching him in his speech to enthusiastic naïve youngsters, I recalled the times when I saw Hitler in the same position in front of masses of enthusiastic people who adored him. There is much similarity between Hitler and Obama, both being adored by millions. Both have an agenda that declares the march into slavery to be a march into a better future. If you look at the front cover of my recent book, "Defeating the Totalitarian Lie," and take the photo of Hitler out and put Obama's in, it would look real. 

Von Campe also demonstrates his exalted place at WND by repeating some of WND's greatest Obama lies. In addition to repeating the WND lie that Obama "has not produced proof that he is legally eligible to be president of the United States," he wries:

Obama wants $6 billion for this plan in the next three years. Earlier he had called for a National Civilian Security Force. Whatever name they give this scheme, it is an attempt to control the youth of our nation and indoctrinate them with socialist lies at the expense of the taxpayers. Obama has copied Hitler who created what was called "Arbeitsdienst" (Service to Work). It was a mandatory six-month membership before being drafted into the armed forces and part of the Nazi national structure for indoctrination, which nobody could escape.

This would be another example of Nazi ideology here in America. The bill, approved by the House, 321-105, would forbid any participant engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization. That means no church attendance or witnessing. The majority of the House has reached the level of Nazi godlessness.

In fact, the "National Civilian Security Force" has nothing to do with indoctrination (as we pointed out the last time von Campe claimed this), and given that the bill in question is about expanding AmeriCorps and other federal volunteer programs, it makes no sense to make religion a component of that -- which, anyway, would violate First Amendment provisions regarding the separation of church and state. It does not ban participants from going to church, as von Campe seems to suggest.

It appears that von Campe has learned to smear and lie like his mentor, Adolf Hitler. Far from appearing as ashamed of that as he ought to be, he's reveling in it. Apt pupil, indeed.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:21 AM EDT

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