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Thursday, March 26, 2009
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Today'sWorldNetDaily commentary section is a big ol' steaming pile of Obama derangement:

  • Erik Rush buys into the conspiracy theory that Obama "is going to great lengths to ruin us on purpose."
  • Jack Cashill is whining yet again that even his fellow right-wingers are ignoring his discredited conspiracy theory that William Ayers wrote Obama's first book.
  • Craige McMillan approvingly cites Cashill's discredited conspiracy theory, adding, "I guess that means Bill Ayers will soon become the White House writer-in-residence." McMillan further bashed Obama as "an empty suit who consults his handlers, via his teleprompter, before answering – or not – even the softball questions lobbed at him by the adoring media who worked so hard to elect him."

The winner of today's WND derangement award, however, has to be Phil Elmore. He howls about "Glorious Leader Obama" endeavoring "to place his Orwellian visage on the telescreens of the nation's media outlets" so that "citizens are inundated with the inevitability of Obama's increasingly statist rule," linking to WND's oft-repeated lie that Obama wants to create an army of, in Elmore's words, "fascist brownshirts." Elmore goes on to assert that Obama "Twitters his daily enemies list through his Blackberry while waiting for his latest firearms prohibitions to be uploaded to iTunes as podcasts."

Elmore also complained that Obama "appointed a chief information officer (a post that sounds disturbingly similar to some form of propaganda ministry, in title if not in fact)." Elmore seems not to be aware of the fact that nearly every organization of significant size employs a chief information officer. That little nugget of information just may make Elmore's head explode.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:58 PM EDT

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