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Friday, March 20, 2009
WND Columnist Likens Obama to Abusive Spouse
Topic: WorldNetDaily

America, the great lady, has been conned! And like a woman seduced by a smooth-talking scoundrel, we feel used.

He held us in his arms and looked us in the eye. He told us to trust him, and that he would make everything all right. All we had to do was give ourselves to him.


He said he would give up his friends and give himself only to us. We would be his one true love. But right after the ceremony he ran off with our credit cards, and when they reached their limit, he opened new ones in our name. He spent almost all of it on the friends he said he would leave behind.

He promised change, and he brought change all right, but change for the worse. We're no more secure now – in fact, the debt he created made things more uncertain than ever.

We feel so used!

But he's got explanations. He said it was all a misunderstanding. It had to happen – just this once, but never again!


Why do we fall for guys that abuse and take advantage of us? Have we so little self-respect that after they use us and abuse us, we make excuses for them and take them back?

We are so vulnerable to those who know how to play us!

But now we are stuck in this relationship for four years. It's frightening – if he has done this much damage already, what will he do when the honeymoon's over! That's a long time to suffer abuse!

-- Reb Bradley, March 20 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 11:44 AM EDT

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