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Thursday, February 5, 2009
Huston Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot
Topic: NewsBusters

A Feb. 5 NewsBusters post by Warner Todd Huston sneered that a reporter jumped a rope line seeking Barack Obama's autograph, "like a star struck 15-year old at a Hannah Montana concert" who "apparently couldn't resist the siren call of The One." Huston's sneering dragged on:

Gosh, it's always great to hear of these types of stories of the hard-nosed press corps that is so cynical as to scoff at anyone that might be a tad awed by a mere politician isn't it? We all know that reporters are way too nonchalant about the lure of The One to be all taken with his presence so, right? His autograph? Pshaw. That is absurd. Why, WHO would want the autograph of a politician? Heck, reporters see politicians everyday, so it's just old hat, part of the job, uninteresting. Yep, good thing they are above hero worship!

But wait, this is The Obammessiah we are talking about. He's no normal politician! He's the man that can decide how much you are allowed to make as a head of industry. A man who can lay hands upon you and make all your tax cheating disappear. The man that can claim the moral high ground against lobbyists, yet hire over a dozen lobbyists anyway. He's the man that can control even other nations with but the gesture of a finger, he's so loved across the world.

No wonder the press acts like autograph hounds at a Hollywood premiere every time they see him. It's a wonder that the press doesn't mob him every time he appears! One wonders how many room keys and thrown underwear the White House cleaning staff finds on the floor every time the press and Obama leave the room?

The star struck press. I wonder how many of them that have had the good fortune to have shook The One's hand told their significant others that they'll never wash that hand again?

But who was that reporter? As Politico reports, it's Robert Feuereisen of Jewish World Review -- a conservative website that Huston's colleagues think so highly of, it's on the NewsBusters blogroll. (Then again, NewsBusters also has Ace of Spades on its blogroll, so maybe that's not as prestigious as it seems.)

We'd complain about Huston engaging his brain before opening his mouth, but that would rob us of a lot of prime material

Posted by Terry K. at 4:35 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, February 5, 2009 4:37 PM EST

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