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Friday, November 21, 2008
WND Teleseminar Recycles Bogus Claims
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily held a phone-in teleseminar on Nov. 19, featuring Joseph Farah, David Kupelian and Jerome Corsi. They're still clinging to their various misleading and/or discredited stories -- Corsi and Farah on Obama's birth certificate, Kupelian on how gays are evil.

Corsi repeated his claim that "Obama brought Odinga to the United States three times, and through his donors raised a million dollars for Odinga." In fact, as we've detailed, the documents Corsi has offered as evidence of such a donation are obviously reproductions of a document discredited by PolitiFact months ago.

Corsi also rehashes another baseless smear -- that Obama was responsible for halting his press conference in Kenya where he was to announce his purportedly blockbuster claims against Obama: "It was no surprise I was giving the press conference. The government in favor of it. Odinga and Obama were not in favor of it."

Corsi then moved on to the non-controversy about Obama's birth certificate:

And I was dispatched twice to Hawaii. We've hired some very, very top private investigators. And again, these birth certificate documents are sealed. So you simply cannot get the original documents.

In Kenya, I was regularly told by people who knew, even as they witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya. They've given testimony and affidavits to that effect, but I wasn't permitted to see any. And the original documents the Kenyan government is not releasing.


My conclusion is the documents are being hidden. They are not being released. And I think that's something the American people ought to be dramatically concerned ... before the inauguration.

That's a sentiment echoed by Farah:

It is amazing to me -- think about this, folks -- that the biggest scoop any news organzation could have had during this campaign and after this campaign prior to this inauguration wouldbe to get a legitimate copy of Obama's real birth certificate. This is a man who pledged to come into the presidency and bring a new openness to government, and the biggest state secret in the United States today is where was this guy born.

Of course, neither of them noted that WND found Obama's birth certificate to be authentic and that lawsuits claiming that Obama wasn't born in the United States "rel[y] on discredited claims."

Kupelian noted that he "wrote this book about evil and about how evil is sold to America. You know, in my opinion we bought a whole truckload of it by electing Obama."

He continued in an anti-gay rant:

So atheism is -- has been becoming more and more militant and just -- as I say, a week after the election you have these ads going up. The gay-rights folks are just going wild now because they had one loss in California with the Proposition 8 over same-sex marriage. They're so emboldened by having, you know, the wind at their back with Obama and you have Pelosi and Reid in Congress that they're just going nuts now. They're in this sort of the new era of intolerance. We have them, you know, attacking and intimidating little old Chrisitan ladies with crosses and breaking into that church in, where was it, Wisconsin. And you know, it was reminiscent of what they used to do years ago before they really got in their -- I talk about in The Marketing of Evil, is they said, "We can't do these wild and crazy antic type of demostrations like ACT-UP used to do back in the '80s," where they'd go into St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City and throw condoms up in the air and grab the consecrated hosts, you know, the wafers and throw them to the ground and stem on them and just terrorize these parishoners in this major Catholic church in New York City. They figure that's bad for their image, so they cleaned up their image -- the whole book "After the Ball" was written to say, "Look, knock that stuff off. Put on a three-piece suit, get on TV, be mainstream, talk about your cause, and you will get homosexuality mainstreamed."

Well, now, it seems like almost they're regressing because, you know, when the -- you know, when the Republicans were in power, when they feel -- to whatever degree is true, there's a conservatism, you know, there's a certain amount of power to that, that they have to be careful. But now, it's almost like it's been unleashed, the dark side of these people has been unleashed, and they're -- I mean, if you've seen if some of the YouTube videos, they're really -- this doesn't seem like America. It seems like some of the videos -- to me, if you look at these old '50s biblical movies where you have Sodom and Gomorrah, and they're taunting and terrorizing these, you know, the righteous people. And that's what it looks like what's walking through the streets of San Francisco and other cities. There were protests in all 50 states over this, you know, the passage of Proposition 8. So we've got all this kind of stuff.

Farah also added:

I'd also like to say hello to all my friends on this call from the George Soros-backed Media Matters organziation and other similar groups that are listening in without any doubt, and I can't wait to see my remarks transcribed tomorrow on your websites.

Well, Mr. Farah, we're glad to oblige (even though we're not doing this for our employer). After all, we wouldn't want you to think you and your employees wouldn't be held accountable for the lies you peddle as truth -- yet another of them being the suggestion that George Soros funds Media Matters.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:24 AM EST

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