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Thursday, November 6, 2008
NewsBusters Flip-Flops on Tough Questions
Topic: NewsBusters

It was just a week or so ago that NewsBusters was ridiculing Democrats for going into "full panic mode" over a "grilling" of Joe Biden by an Orlando anchorwoman. 

Apparently, it doesn't work the other way. From a Nov. 5 NewsBusters post by P.J. Gladnick:

Sheesh! Talking about rolling around in the dirt! CNN's Rick Sanchez was arguing taxes with Joe the Plumber (Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher) yesterday and somehow couldn't figure out the concept of "principles." Ironically, Sanchez then showed just how unprincipled he is by rolling around in the mud and digging up recycled "dirt" on Joe. Here is the transcript of the video so you can see for yourself just how low Sanchez went in an attempt to smear Joe the Plumber.

Gladnick later adds: "WARNING! WARNING! Stand by for a sleaze attack by Rick Sanchez." That "sleaze attack": noting that Wurzelbacher owes back taxes.

Funny, we thought NewsBusters liked it when anchors asked tough questions of political figures. Guess not; Gladnick concludes: "It looks like Rick Sanchez will air your dirty laundry if he finds he is losing an argument."

P.S. The headline on Gladnick's item is "Rick Sanchez Gets Dirty With Joe the Plumber." Does Gladnick know what he/she is implying by putting "dirty" and "Sanchez" in close proximity in the headline?

Posted by Terry K. at 3:17 PM EST

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