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Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Smerconish Gets Heathered
Topic: NewsBusters

Along with Tim Graham, P.J. Gladnick has a key component of NewsBusters' Heathers crew, ostracizing anyone not sufficiently, slavishly dedicated to the right-wing agenda. The latest victim is Philadelphia radio host Michael Smerconish.

In a Nov. 4 post, Gladnick gets all snippy about "conservative" (the scare quotes are Gladnick's) Smerconish's endorsement of Barack Obama, channeling right-wing blogger Brian Maloney's baseless assertion that Smerconish did so only to please his corporate bosses and to gain greater exposure in the form of his show expanding to Washington, D.C.

Gladnick called Smerconish's endorsement "self-serving" and "career-enhancing," adding ominously, "It's all part of the Faustian bargain. Selling your soul comes with a huge price tag as Smerconish will find out."

And Smerconish won't get to hang out at the mall with Gladnick anymore, either.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:16 AM EST

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