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Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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Topic: WorldNetDaily

Even many Republican strategists had written off GOP Sen. Elizabeth Dole's campaign for dead, but a new anti-atheist ad campaign has dealt an eleventh-hour blow to her Democrat foe, Kay Hagan. And the outcome of their tightening North Carolina race could determine whether Republicans can hold onto the power to filibuster a Democrat-majority agenda in the Senate.

-- WorldNetDaily, Nov. 3 article

One race that doesn’t look particularly close is that for the US Senate in the state.  Kay Hagan has opened up a seven point lead over incumbent Elizabeth Dole, 51-44.
“Kay Hagan’s gained four points on her lead in the last week,” said [Dean] Debnam.  “Clearly the Godless Americans ad backfired.”

-- Public Policy Polling, Nov. 3 release

Posted by Terry K. at 12:25 AM EST

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